The word comfort, according to Merriam-Webster, refers to being free from stress or tension; vexation or doubt; difficulty or uncertainty.  Sounds good, serve me up some comfort, please.  There are plenty of times I’ve wrapped my arms around choices that bring me comfort, the ease of being and doing in a way that is familiar and safe – like an old friend.  It’s easy to stay in one’s comfort zone where everything feels predictable.  Life however, if full of discomfort.  Experiences involving uncertain, unprecedented, complex, or unstable factors are plentiful.  Sometimes these are thrown at us unexpectedly; sometimes we walk into them eyes wide open. 

It could be an unexpected family challenge, a new project, a promotion to a bigger role, resigning from an unfulfilling job, or starting a new business.  While that space outside your comfort zone may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, it’s where we learn and grow.

 “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” – John Assaraf

It is here, and only here, that growth happens.  Growth, it’s the magic generated by trying something totally new, solving a complex problem, or making sense of the unsensible.  And, if you want to lead others, be ready and willing to grow because “leadership is uncomfortable”.   There will be unlimited opportunities to participate in a conversation whereby you need to communicate something another person does not want to hear.  There will be numerous moments when you need to do something that you’d rather avoid but can’t.  One doesn’t have enough fingers to count how many times a leader must make a difficult decision.  Sadly, good leaders often have to say “no” to good ideas.

If you’re wanting more or feeling unfulfilled, look outside your comfort zone.  After you experience the discomfort there will be much to celebrate and new possibilities will present themselves.  Break free of the mundane, try something new!