When I started to write my first blog series at the start of 2022, I wasn’t sure where it would go or if I could uncover enough lived experiences to share. The series called 50 Leadership Lessons to Live By was an amazing journey of reflection and sharing. I so enjoyed receiving messages from readers that sometimes simply said “I needed this today”. It led to the next series called The Intentional Self Leader with a methodical approach to shift from reaction to response, transforming how one chooses to experience life and all the uncontrollable stimulus that swirls around us. The most recent series, Books That Inspire, was a refreshing revisit of shared perspectives and sage advice that I have relished for better, more fulfilling living.
“Our decisions and the actions that follow have a ripple effect with infinite outcomes that impact people we may never meet.”
– Melissa Law
Now, it’s time to pause from the weekly writing. You’ve read my posts and heard me share many times about the value of space. It’s a continuum, when used with intention, that can generate thoughtful decisions about how to show-up and what to do. Our decisions and the actions that follow have a ripple effect with infinite outcomes that impact people we may never meet. Whatever that impact is and whomever it reaches, I want it to have some sort of meaning that is wonderfully individual and unique. So, I am pursuing a passion project that I would like to create space for, and I am excited to begin because it will continue to fuel my passion for helping others be the best version of themselves while keeping true to my purpose of igniting possibilities. I won’t know if I don’t try, whether I might be able to engage and support others in new ways beyond the sharing that I do by writing blogs. In fact, I sense that the journey itself might spark a future blog series to consider – down the road.
Meanwhile, I hope you will continue to stay connected. I will remain active on LinkedIn and continue to engage in 1:1 coaching partnerships. You might see me pop up through your inbox with a musing here and there. In the meantime, please know that I am fulfilled and that I hope the same holds true for you.
– Melissa Law