Last week, I was at a meeting whereby I had the opportunity to touch on some of the concepts I’ve shared in this blog series. At the core was the message that we are all connected by the invisible thread of human nature. When we acknowledge and accept this, we are better positioned to create space for ‘emotional agility’ to develop which is essential to our ability to thrive as human beings. Without such space, we are in jeopardy of moving directly from stimulus to thought and right through to emotion and reaction. In other words, we risk ‘emotional rigidity’. I’ve been there and done that, it doesn’t feel very good and there’s a heck of a lot of clean-up required after a reaction hits the fan.



Fulfillment does not originate from our thoughts; it lives in the way we choose to experience life.
– Melissa Law



Life isn’t perfect. I’m not perfect. I have learned to accept these truths and have adapted my behaviour so that I can still find fulfillment in my choices because it is within such choices that I am able to live more fully in the moment. That is empowering.

As I wrap up this blog series, I’m filled with gratitude to have had so many life experiences to learn from, and I thank you for reading along. Allow me to share three final thoughts.

  1. Emotions are part of being human and no one is exempt. Create space for yourself and others to acknowledge them – without judgment.
  2. Use space to get curious and to explore how your emotions relate to your values.
  3. Choose a path forward that honors your values. Fulfillment does not originate from our thoughts; it lives in the way we choose to experience life.

– Melissa Law