Those who regularly read my LinkedIn posts know how much I love to share quotes and how they translate into my experience. In the book Good Leaders Learn (Seijts), Canadian businessman Arkadi Kuhlmann is quoted as saying “life is a blackboard you cannot erase”. How true it is; what’s done is done. It’s up to each of us as leaders to learn from our mistakes and our successes so that we continue to grow; to have a positive impact on the people around us.
Space = Choice = Power
How do you create space? It’s not easy, but it is habit forming.
You cannot change without looking inward and accepting what you find
When I became aware of where my emotions were coming from, I was more open to accept my humanity and initiate change for myself.
Growth only happens outside your comfort zone
The word comfort, according to Merriam-Webster, refers to being free from stress or tension; vexation or doubt; difficulty or uncertainty.
Let go of what belongs with others
Much easier said than done, but boy, does it ever make a world of difference to you, the people you lead, and the people you support when you master the art of letting go. Seriously, this is a big one.
Create a safe place for people
I’ve chatted with many leaders who talk about valuing relationships and who acknowledge that relationships are built on trust.
Don’t avoid negative emotions – they’re valuable data
Something has happened in society whereby people attempt to push their emotions aside.
Without real conversations, there is no real relationship
Whenever I start feeling unsure about a relationship, I reflect...
Practice the pause
I’ve met all sorts of leaders who craved control and who inadvertently invested energy in the wrong place to get it.
Challenge Your Assumptions
You know that old saying that when you assume you make an “ass” of “u” and “me”. Well, I’ve come to learn that this is an understatement. See how assumptions can be damaging and how to avoid making them.
It never hurts to ask questions
How many times have you held off asking a question because you were unsure what to expect or feared rejection? See how questions can be powerful and why it never hurts to ask.