When I kicked-off this series, I referenced a past statement I’d made inferring that knowledge alone cannot propel lasting and meaningful change. True, and books share knowledge. It’s what we do with that knowledge that makes a difference. I hope that from the books I have shared, you might also leverage the knowledge gained to reflect and process with a goal of growing by building your own self-awareness.


“Don’t read for the sake of reading; read with a goal of growing. Books can build awareness about a concept that you can turn into actionable self-awareness. Being able to read yourself is a step toward growth.”

– Melissa Law

Self-awareness is like a baseline, it says “I am here”. Through the awareness gained by reading a book, we are presented with the opportunity to reflect on how this might apply to ourselves. The process of exploring new possibilities emerges. I encourage everyone who reads this to strengthen your self-awareness. Accept where you are because it is exactly where you are meant to be. Then identify what you might like to evolve or change. It will take time and repetition through small habits, but I assure you, self-command is like a muscle. You can make it stronger by giving it a good workout. Be kind to yourself because, like committing to go to the gym for a physical workout, there may be days rougher than others. Simply try again the next day and the one after that. Over time, you will notice new habits forming; you will feel the change happening. You’ve got this!

– Melissa Law