Space is not just the “final frontier”, it’s also a place where the most amazing things can happen without ever leaving earth – or your house for that matter.  If you’re anything remotely like me, I bet there is always stuff going on.  Perhaps it’s all the things you’re doing, like attending zoom meetings, creating presentations, juggling work and the kids, volunteering your time, and walking the dog.  Maybe it’s all the thoughts constantly running through your head, l need to follow-up with so & so, I can’t forget to send that email, how am I ever going to get everything done, why won’t my kids put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, or does the dog really need a walk when it’s so cold outside.  Either way, let’s just agree that most of us have A LOT going on.

 “Create space simply to “be” and clarity emerges for you to see.” – Gabriella Goddard


When you’re juggling so much, how often do you create space just to be with and process your thoughts and emotions?  That nugget of time when you are completely present with yourself.  If the answer isn’t several times a day, then there’s work to be done.  Space allows you to be in YOUR moment with what you are thinking and feeling, with curiosity.   It’s where you can connect with what’s important to you and make conscious choices about what you want to do and how you want to be.  In this space, there is openness and things become clearer.  This space feels powerful because it allows you to build unshakable belief in your choices and yourself.

How do you create space?  It’s not easy, but it is habit forming.  A few ways to do this is to meditate, journal, or engage a coach.  Whatever works for you, carve out space and feel the power of you.