There is good in all of us: Strengthfinders 2.0

Ah, this is another timeless classic similar to my earlier reference of the book by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves.  In Strengthfinders 2.0, Tom Rath has created a toolkit for readers that calls out the power of leaning into our strengths.  Have you ever been encouraged to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) at work?  Perhaps your boss wanted to support your learning and development, or someone encouraged you to leverage your potential, or maybe it was the recommended pathway to pursuing that desired next step in your career.  Whatever the reason, I bet there was some discussion about your strengths and weaknesses, and then you headed off to focus on how to deal with those weaknesses that stood out like a stick in your eye.  Here’s the thing, Rath boldly shares that the greatest return on investment does not come from trying to fix all the things you are doing wrong, rather it is time to identify what you do well so you can sharpen those qualities and apply them to greater benefit.  When working on weaknesses – or ‘development needs’ as the euphemism goes – just focus on that one glaring need that might require some softer edges so that it doesn’t become a derailer.


“You cannot be anything you want to be – but you can be a whole lot more of who you already are.”

– Tom Rath


A few of my favourite things about this book include:

  • This is not a cover-to-cover read.  It’s a toolkit with a free online self-assessment to help identify and articulate high impact strengths – things you are not only good at, but are also passionate about.
  • The strengths you identify, while helpful for development and growth, can also provide perspective about career choices.  Does the job you do or the career path you think you want give you the opportunity to leverage these strengths?  If not, you might want to look for one that does.
  • In a world where so many people compare themselves to others, this is a good reminder that there are innate traits you possess that are meant to be recognized, celebrated, and leveraged.



Are you looking for a little boost to self-confidence?  Questioning if you’re in the best job for your strengths?  Wanting to go further while feeling fulfilled?  Grab this book, complete the self-assessment, and lean into what you do best.

– Melissa Law